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In regards to treatment of hypochondroplasia usually takes the form of orthopedic surgery and physical therapy. Genetic counseling is advised for individuals and their families. Specifically in the case of spinal stenosis, one option is laminectomy.
The treatment for Morquio syndrome consists of prenatal identification and of enzyme replacement therapy. On 12 February 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the drug elosulfase alfa (Vimizim) for treating the disease.
There is no causative / curative therapy. Symptomatic medical treatments are focussing on symptoms caused by orthopaedic, dental or cardiac problems. Regarding perioperative / anesthesiological management, recommendations for medical professionals are published at OrphanAnesthesia.
Life expectancy for individuals with hypochondroplasia is normal; the maximum height is about 147 cm or 4.8 ft.
Like treatment options, the prognosis is dependent on the severity of the symptoms. Despite the various symptoms and limitations, most individuals have normal intelligence and can lead a normal life.
Because kniest dysplasia can affect various body systems, treatments can vary between non-surgical and surgical treatment. Patients will be monitored over time, and treatments will be provided based on the complications that arise.
The caloric intake of children with SRS must be carefully controlled in order to provide the best opportunity for growth. If the child is unable to tolerate oral feeding, then enteral feeding may be used, such as the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.
In children with limb-length differences or scoliosis, physiotherapy can alleviate the problems caused by these symptoms. In more severe cases, surgery to lengthen limbs may be required. To prevent aggravating posture difficulties children with leg length differences may require a raise in their shoe.
Growth hormone therapy is often prescribed as part of the treatment of SRS. The hormones are given by injection typically daily from the age of 2 years old through teenage years. It may be effective even when the patient does not have a growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone therapy has been shown to increase the rate of growth in patients and consequently prompts 'catch up' growth. This may enable the child to begin their education at a normal height, improving their self-esteem and interaction with other children. The effect of growth hormone therapy on mature and final height is as yet uncertain. There are some theories suggesting that the therapy also assists with muscular development and managing hypoglycemia.
The deformities are managed surgically to preserve the function of the limb.
There is no treatment at this time to promote bone growth in chondrodystrophy patients. Certain types of growth hormone seem to increase the rate of growth during the first year of life/treatment, but have no substantial effect in adult patients. Only a few surgical centers in the world perform, experimentally, leg and arm lengthening procedures. Most common therapies are found in seeking help from: family physicians, pediatrics, internists, endocrinologists, geneticists, orthopedists and neurologists.
There is no known cure for achondroplasia even though the cause of the mutation in the growth factor receptor has been found. Although used by those without achondroplasia to aid in growth, human growth hormone does not help people with achondroplasia. However, if desired, the controversial surgery of limb-lengthening will lengthen the legs and arms of someone with achondroplasia.
Usually, the best results appear within the first and second year of therapy. After the second year of growth hormone therapy, beneficial bone growth decreases. Therefore, GH therapy is not a satisfactory long term treatment.
Enzyme replacement therapies are currently in use. BioMarin Pharmaceutical provides therapeutics for mucopolysaccaradosis type I (MPS I), by manufacturing laronidase (Aldurazyme), commercialized by Genzyme. Enzyme replacement therapy has proven useful in reducing non-neurological symptoms and pain.
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) can be used as treatments for MPS. Abnormal physical characteristics, except for those affecting the skeleton and eyes, can be improved, and neurologic degeneration can often be halted. BMT and UCBT are high-risk procedures with high rates of morbidity and mortality. No cure for MPS I is known.
Genetic mutations of most forms of dwarfism caused by bone dysplasia cannot be altered yet, so therapeutic interventions are typically aimed at preventing or reducing pain or physical disability, increasing adult height, or mitigating psychosocial stresses and enhancing social adaptation.
Forms of dwarfism associated with the endocrine system may be treated using hormonal therapy. If the cause is prepubescent hyposecretion of growth hormone, supplemental growth hormone may correct the abnormality. If the receptor for growth hormone is itself affected, the condition may prove harder to treat. Hypothyroidism is another possible cause of dwarfism that can be treated through hormonal therapy. Injections of thyroid hormone can mitigate the effects of the condition, but lack of proportion may be permanent.
Pain and disability may be ameliorated by physical therapy, braces or other orthotic devices, or by surgical procedures. The only simple interventions that increase perceived adult height are dress enhancements, such as shoe lifts or hairstyle. Growth hormone is rarely used for shortness caused by bone dysplasias, since the height benefit is typically small (less than ) and the cost high. The most effective means of increasing adult height by several inches is distraction osteogenesis, though availability is limited and the cost is high in terms of money, discomfort, and disruption of life. Most people with dwarfism do not choose this option, and it remains controversial. For other types of dwarfism, surgical treatment is not possible.
There is no cure and no standard course of treatment for Coffin–Lowry syndrome. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive, and may include occupational, physical and speech therapy and educational services.
The fibrocartilaginous effects of fibrochondrogenesis on chondrocytes has shown potential as a means to produce therapeutic cellular biomaterials via tissue engineering and manipulation of stem cells, specifically human embryonic stem cells.
Utilization of these cells as curative cartilage replacement materials on the cellular level has shown promise, with beneficial applications including the repair and healing of damaged knee menisci and synovial joints; temporomandibular joints, and vertebra.
It is important that the individual experience independence and self-worth. There are several appliances available to help overcome the disadvantages of small stature, including light-switch extenders and longer pedals in cars to enable effective driving. Several organizations that help Little People interact and get involved, such as the Little People of America.
Unerupted microdonts may require surgical removal to prevent the formation of cysts. Erupted microdonts, peg laterals especially, may cause cosmetic concern. Such teeth may be restored to resemble normal sized teeth, typically with composite build ups or crowns. Orthodontics may be required in severe cases to close gaps between the teeth.
Administration of GH has no effect on IGF-1 production, therefore treatment is mainly by biosynthetic IGF-1. IGF-1 must be taken before puberty to be effective.
The drug product Increlex (mecasermin), developed by the company Tercica, now Genentech, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in August 2005 for replacing IGF-1 in patients who are deficient.
IPLEX (Mecasermin rinfabate) is composed of recombinant human IGF-1 (rhIGF-1) and its binding protein IGFBP-3. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005 for treatment of primary IGF-1 deficiency or GH gene deletion. Side effects from IPLEX are hypoglycemia. IPLEX's manufacturing company, Insmed, after selling its protein production facility, can no longer develop proteins, thus can no longer manufacture IPLEX as of a statement released in July 2009.
Many types of dwarfism are currently impossible to prevent because they are genetically caused. Genetic conditions that cause dwarfism may be identified with genetic testing, by screening for the specific variations that result in the condition. However, due to the number of causes of dwarfism, it may be impossible to determine definitively if a child will be born with dwarfism.
Dwarfism resulting from malnutrition or a hormonal abnormality may be treated with an appropriate diet or hormonal therapy. Growth hormone deficiency may be remedied via injections of human growth hormone (HGH) during early life.
Lenz–Majewski syndrome is a skin condition characterized by hyperostosis, craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, dwarfism, cutis laxa, proximal symphalangism, syndactyly, brachydactyly, mental retardation, enamel hypoplasia, and hypertelorism.
In 2013, whole-exome sequencing showed that a missense mutation resulting in overactive phosphatidylserine synthase 1 was the cause of LMS, making it the first known human disease to be caused by disrupted phosphatidylserine metabolism. The researchers suggested a link between the condition and bone metabolism.
Gerodermia osteodysplastica (GO), also called geroderma osteodysplasticum and Walt Disney dwarfism, is a rare autosomal recessive connective tissue disorder included in the spectrum of cutis laxa syndromes.
Usage of the name "Walt Disney dwarfism" is attributed to the first known case of the disorder, documented in a 1950 journal report, in which the authors described five affected members from a Swiss family as having the physical appearance of dwarves from a Walt Disney film.
The terms "geroderma" or "gerodermia" can be used interchangeably with "osteodysplastica" or "osteodysplasticum", with the term "hereditaria" sometimes appearing at the end.
There is no known cure for Niemann–Pick type C, nor is there any FDA-standard approved disease modifying treatment. Supportive care is essential and substantially improves the quality of life of people affected by NPC. The therapeutic team may include specialists in neurology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, psychiatrist, orthopedics, nutrition, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Standard medications used to treat symptoms can be used in NPC patients. As patients develop difficulty with swallowing, food may need to be softened or thickened, and eventually, parents will need to consider placement of a gastrostomy tube (g-tube, feeding tube).
An observational study is underway at the National Institutes of Health to better characterize the natural history of NPC and to attempt to identify markers of disease progression.
In 2014 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted orphan drug designation to arimoclomol for the treatment of Niemann-Pick type C. This was followed in 2015 by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Dosing in a placebo-controlled phase II/III clinical trial to investigate treatment for Niemann-Pick type C (for patients with both type C1 and C2) using arimoclomol began in 2016. Arimoclomol, which is orally administered, induces the heat shock response in cells and is well tolerated in humans.
When treatment is required, this is usually by surgical removal of the cyst. There are four ways in which cysts are managed:
- Enucleation - removal of the entire cyst
- Marsupialization - the creation of a window into the wall of a cyst, allowing the contents to be drained. The window is left open, and the lack of pressure within the cyst causes the lesion to shrink, as the surrounding bone starts to fill in again.
- Enucleation following marsupialization - Sometimes marsupialization is carried out as a single procedure, but usually it is followed by a second procedure to remove the cyst. This is particularly the case when cysts are very large and their removal would leave a significant surgical defect.
- Enucleation with curettage - this is removal of the cyst and some of the surrounding bone, which may contain some of the lining of the cyst.
Acromicric dysplasia is an extremely rare inherited disorder characterized by abnormally short hands and feet, growth retardation and delayed bone maturation leading to short stature. Most cases have occurred randomly for no apparent reason (sporadically). However, autosomal dominant inheritance has not been ruled out.
According to the disease database, Acromicric dysplasia is synonymous with Geleophysic dysplasia
(or Geleophysic Dwarfism) and Focal mucopolysaccharidosis.
Medical diagnosis is required. Clinical tests can be performed, as well as molecular genetic testing. The available tests include:
Sequence analysis of the entire coding region
- Severe achondroplasia with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans (SADDAN) - Sanger Sequencing: Diagnosis, Mutation Confirmation, Pre-symptomatic, Risk Assessment, Screening
- Craniosynostosis: Diagnosis
- Invitae FGFR3-Related Disorders Test: Pre-symptomatic, Diagnosis, Therapeutic management
Mutation scanning of select exons
- Skeletal Dysplasia Panel: Diagnosis, Prognostic
Sequence analysis of select exons
- Severe Achondroplasia with Developmental Delay and Acanthosis Nigricans (SADDAN, FGFR3): Diagnosis, Mutation Confirmation, Risk Assessment
- Severe Achondroplasia, Developmental Delay, Acanthosis Nigricans: Diagnosis, Mutation Confirmation
Deletion/duplication analysis
- Invitae FGFR3-Related Disorders Test: Pre-symptomatic, Diagnosis, Therapeutic management
Life with SADDAN is manageable, although therapy, surgery, and lifelong doctor surveillance may be required.