Made by DATEXIS (Data Science and Text-based Information Systems) at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Deep Learning Technology: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. Learning Contextualized Document Representations for Healthcare Answer Retrieval. The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20)
Funded by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Grant: 01MD19013D, Smart-MD Project, Digital Technologies
As of 2010, there was no cure for MMND. People with MMND are given supportive care to help them cope, which can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, counselling, and hearing aids.
There is no known cure to BVVL however a Dutch group have reported the first promising attempt at treatment of the disorder with high doses of riboflavin. This Riboflavin protocol seems to be beneficial in almost all cases. Specialist medical advice is of course essential to ensure the protocol is understood and followed correctly.
Patients will almost certainly require additional symptomatic treatment and supportive care. This must be specifically customized to the needs of the individual but could include mobility aids, hearing aids or cochlear implants, vision aids, gastrostomy feeding and assisted ventilation, while steroids may or may not help patients.
The first report of BVVL syndrome in Japanese literature was of a woman that had BVVL and showed improvement after such treatments. The patient was a sixty-year-old woman who had symptoms such as sensorineural deafness, weakness, and atrophy since she was 15 years old. Around the age of 49 the patient was officially diagnosed with BVVL, incubated, and then attached to a respirator to improve her CO2 narcosis. After the treatments, the patient still required respiratory assistance during sleep; however, the patient no longer needed assistance by a respirator during the daytime.
Physical therapy is the predominant treatment of symptoms. Orthopedic shoes and foot surgery can be used to manage foot problems.
In terms of the management of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, no cure is known and treatment is supportive. Rehabilitation to slow muscle weakness can prove positive, though the prognosis indicates some individuals will require the use of a wheelchair in later stages of life.
Surgery may achieve correction of the spine, and early surgical intervention should be done in cases where prolonged survival is expected. Preferred nonsurgical treatment occurs due to the high rate of repeated dislocation of the hip.
There is no cure for MMA. Treatment consists of muscle strengthening exercises and training in hand coordination. It has been proposed that the changes in this disease are from compression of the spinal cord in flexion due to forward shifting of the posterior dural sac. There have been treatments studies ranging from use of a cervical collar to anterior cervical fusion and posterior decompression.
Treatment for individuals with PLS is symptomatic. Baclofen and tizanidine may reduce spasticity. Quinine or phenytoin may decrease cramps. Some patients who do not receive adequate relief from oral treatment may consider intrathecal baclofen (i.e., infusion of medication directly into the cerebrospinal fluid via a surgically placed continuous infusion pump). However, patients are carefully selected for this type of procedure to ensure that they will likely benefit from this invasive procedure.
Physical therapy often helps prevent joint immobility. Speech therapy may be useful for those with involvement of the facial muscles. Physiotherapy treatment focuses on reducing muscle tone, maintaining or improving range of motion, increasing strength and coordination, and improving functional mobility. In PLS, stretching is thought to improve flexibility and can also reduce muscle spasticity and cramps.
Patients with PLS may find it beneficial to have an evaluation, as well as follow-up visits at multidisciplinary clinics, similar to those available for people with ALS. These multidisciplinary clinics may provide patients with the necessary treatment that they require by having an occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech language pathologist, dietician and nutritionist, all in one site.
Riluzole has been found to modestly prolong survival by approximately two to three months. It may have a greater survival benefit for those with a bulbar onset. It is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (England and Wales). Riluzole does not reverse damage already done to motor neurons but affects neurons by reducing their activity through blocking Na+ entrance into the neurons and thus blocking the release of the chemicals that causes the activity of the motor neurons. The reduction in activity prevents the ruining of the neuronal muscle and so the drug can act as a protective chemical. Studies have shown that the function of this drug is dependent on the amount taken at a given time. The higher the concentration, the better the drug will protect the neurons from ruin. The recommended dosage of Riluzole is 50 mg, twice a day for people with known ALS for more than 5 years.
There are a number of side effects caused by the drug including the feeling of weakness in muscles but this is normal due to the function of the drug. Studies have shown that people on the drug are not likely to stop responding to it or develop symptoms that might cause the activity of neurons to rise again, making Riluzole an effective drug for prolonging survival.
In 2015, edaravone was approved in Japan for treatment of ALS after studying how and whether it works on 137 people with ALS and has obtained orphan drug status in the EU and USA. On May 5, 2017, the FDA approved edaravone to extend the survival period of people with ALS. It costs about 145,000 USD per year in the US and 35,000 USD per year in Japan.
Other medications may be used to help reduce fatigue, ease muscle cramps, control spasticity, and reduce excess saliva and phlegm. Drugs also are available to help people with pain, such as non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids, depression, sleep disturbances, dysphagia, and constipation. Baclofen and diazepam are often prescribed to control the spasticity caused by ALS, and trihexyphenidyl, amitriptyline or most commonly glycopyrrolate may be prescribed when people with ALS begin having trouble swallowing their saliva. There is no evidence that medications are effective at reducing muscle cramps experienced by people with ALS.
In terms of treatment for neuromuscular diseases (NMD), "exercise" might be a way of managing them, as NMD individuals would gain muscle strength. In a study aimed at results of exercise, in muscular dystrophy and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, the later benefited while the former did not show benefit; therefore, it depends on the disease Other management routes for NMD should be based on medicinal and surgical procedures, again depending on the underlying cause.
Management of ALS attempts to relieve symptoms and extend life expectancy. This supportive care is best provided by multidisciplinary teams of healthcare professionals working with the person and their caregivers to keep them as mobile and comfortable as possible.
Orthotic devices can be used to support the body and to aid walking. For example, orthotics such as AFO's (ankle foot orthosis) are used to stabilise the foot and to aid gait, TLSO's (thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis) are used to stabilise the torso. Assistive technologies may help in managing movement and daily activity and greatly increase the quality of life.
Since December 2016, autosomal recessive proximal spinal muscular atrophy can be treated with nusinersen. No cure is known to any of the remaining disorders of the spinal muscular atrophies group. The main objective there is to improve quality of life which can be measured using specific questionnaires. Supportive therapies are widely employed for patients who often also require comprehensive medical care involving multiple disciplines, including pulmonology, neurology, orthopedic surgery, critical care, and clinical nutrition. Various forms of physiotherapy and occupational therapy are frequently able to slow down the pace of nerve degeneration and muscle wasting. Patients also benefit greatly from the use of assistive technology.
Nusinersen (trade name: Spinraza) is the only approved drug to treat spinal muscular atrophy. It is a 2’-O-methoxyethyl, phosphorothioate modified antisense oligonucleotide targeting intronic splicing silencer N1 which is administered directly to the central nervous system using an intrathecal injection. Developed by Ionis Pharmaceuticals and licensed to Biogen, nusinersen was approved by FDA in December 2016, becoming the first approved pharmacological treatment for SMA. It was approved by the European Commission in centralised procedure in June 2017.
There is no known cure for neuromyotonia, but the condition is treatable. Anticonvulsants, including phenytoin and carbamazepine, usually provide significant relief from the stiffness, muscle spasms, and pain associated with neuromyotonia. Plasma exchange and IVIg treatment may provide short-term relief for patients with some forms of the acquired disorder. It is speculated that the plasma exchange causes an interference with the function of the voltage-dependent potassium channels, one of the underlying issues of hyper-excitability in autoimmune neuromyotonia. Botox injections also provide short-term relief. Immunosuppressants such as Prednisone may provide long term relief for patients with some forms of the acquired disorder.
Chlorambucil is a chemotherapy drug normally used to treat leukemia as it is often used as an immunosuppressant drug, and prednisone is a steroid that has also been found to be particularly effective as an immunosuppressant. This combination of drugs has minimal to no benefits in most patients, but a small number do see small improvements such as decreased tremors. This combination has not been very effective in more severe cases, though, and is not considered a long term therapy.
While immunotherapy works for some patients in relieving minor symptoms, overall most conventional therapies using steroids, immunosuppressants, chemotherapy, and intravenous immunoglobulin therapies have not helped most patients. This has created a need for newer and more novel therapies to be developed.
Since pseudobulbar palsy is a syndrome associated with other diseases, treating the underlying disease may eventually reduce the symptoms of pseudobulbar palsy.
Possible pharmacological interventions for pseudobulbar affect include the tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and a novel approach utilizing dextromethorphan and quinidine sulfate. Nuedexta is an FDA approved medication for pseudobulbar affect. Dextromethorphan, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, inhibits glutamatergic transmission in the regions of the brainstem and cerebellum, which are hypothesized to be involved in pseudobulbar symptoms, and acts as a sigma ligand, binding to the sigma-1 receptors that mediate the emotional motor expression.
People with MMND become progressively more weak with time. Generally, affected individuals survive up to 30 years after they are diagnosed.
A range of medications that act on the central nervous system has been found to be useful in managing neuropathic pain. Commonly used treatments include tricyclic antidepressants (such as nortriptyline or amitriptyline), the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) medication duloxetine, and antiepileptic therapies such as gabapentin, pregabalin, or sodium valproate. Few studies have examined whether nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in treating peripheral neuropathy.
Symptomatic relief for the pain of peripheral neuropathy may be obtained by application of topical capsaicin. Capsaicin is the factor that causes heat in chili peppers. The evidence suggesting that capsaicin applied to the skin reduces pain for peripheral neuropathy is of moderate to low quality and should be interpreted carefully before using this treatment option. Local anesthesia often is used to counteract the initial discomfort of the capsaicin. Some current research in animal models has shown that depleting neurotrophin-3 may oppose the demyelination present in some peripheral neuropathies by increasing myelin formation.
High-quality evidence supports the use of cannabis for neuropathic pain.
PBP is aggressive and relentless, and there were no treatments for the disease as of 2005. However, early detection of PBP is the optimal scenario in which doctors can map out a plan for management of the disease. This typically involves symptomatic treatments that are frequently used in many lower motor disorders.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy may be effective and safe in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. A recent review of three trials involving 78 patients found some improvement in pain scores after 4 and 6, but not 12 weeks of treatment and an overall improvement in neuropathic symptoms at 12 weeks. Another review of four trials found significant improvement in pain and overall symptoms, with 38% of patients in one trial becoming asymptomatic. The treatment remains effective even after prolonged use, but symptoms return to baseline within a month of cessation of treatment.
The treatment for post-polio syndrome is generally palliative and consists of rest, analgesia (pain relief) and utilisation of mechanisms to make life easier such as powered wheelchairs. There are no reversive therapies. Fatigue is usually the most disabling symptom; energy conservation can significantly reduce fatigue episodes. Such conservation can be achieved with lifestyle changes, reducing workload and daytime sleeping. Weight loss is also recommended if patients are obese. In some cases, the use of lower limb orthotics can reduce energy usage.
Medications for fatigue, such as amantadine and pyridostigmine, have not been found to be effective in the management of PPS. Muscle strength and endurance training are more important in managing the symptoms of PPS than the ability to perform long aerobic activity. Management should focus on treatments such as hydrotherapy and developing other routines that encourage strength but do not affect fatigue levels. The recent trend is towards use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) which has yielded promising, albeit modest results, but there is insufficient evidence to recommend it as a treatment.
PPS increases the stress on the musculoskeletal system due to increasing muscular atrophy. A recent study showed that in a review of 539 PPS patients, 80 percent reported pain in muscles and joints and 87 percent had fatigue. Joint instability can cause significant pain in individuals with PPS and should be adequately treated with painkillers. Supervised activity programs and decreasing mechanical stress with braces and adaptive equipment are recommended.
Because PPS can fatigue facial muscles, as well as cause dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), dysarthria (difficulty speaking) or aphonia (inability to produce speech), persons with PPS may become malnourished due to difficulty eating. Compensatory routines can help relieve these symptoms such as eating smaller portions at a time and sitting down whilst eating. PPS with respiratory involvement requires special management such as breathing exercises, chest percussion with a stethoscope on regular occasions for observation of the disease and management of secretions. Failure to properly assess PPS with respiratory involvement can increase the risk of missing aspiration pneumonia (an infection of the lower respiratory tract) in an individual. Severe cases may require permanent ventilation or tracheostomy. Sleep apnoea may also occur. Other management strategies that may lead to improvement include smoking cessation, treatment of other respiratory diseases and vaccination against respiratory infections such as influenza.
A 2006 study followed 223 patients for a number of years. Of these, 15 died, with a median age of 65 years. The authors tentatively concluded that this is in line with a previously reported estimate of a shortened life expectancy of 10-15 years (12 in their data).
There are several options of treatment when iatrogenic (i.e., caused by the surgeon) spinal accessory nerve damage is noted during surgery. For example, during a functional neck dissection that injures the spinal accessory nerve, injury prompts the surgeon to cautiously preserve branches of C2, C3, and C4 spinal nerves that provide supplemental innervation to the trapezius muscle. Alternatively, or in addition to intraoperative procedures, postoperative procedures can also help in recovering the function of a damaged spinal accessory nerve. For example, the Eden-Lange procedure, in which remaining functional shoulder muscles are surgically repositioned, may be useful for treating trapezius muscle palsy.
Baclofen, diazepam and dantrolene remain the three most commonly used pharmacologic agents in the treatment of spastic hypertonia. Baclofen is generally the drug of choice for spinal cord types of spasticity, while sodium dantrolene is the only agent which acts directly on muscle tissue. Tizanidine is also available. Phenytoin with chlorpromazine may be potentially useful if sedation does not limit their use. Ketazolam, not yet available in the United States, may be a significant addition to the pharmacologic armamentarium. Intrathecal administration of antispastic medications allows for high concentrations of drug near the site of action, which limits side effects.
Recent research indicates that the biomolecule taurine may be effective for hypertonia, perhaps through its benzodiazepine-like modulation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA or the neuromuscular effects of increasing intracellular calcium levels.