Made by DATEXIS (Data Science and Text-based Information Systems) at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Deep Learning Technology: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. Learning Contextualized Document Representations for Healthcare Answer Retrieval. The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20)
Funded by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Grant: 01MD19013D, Smart-MD Project, Digital Technologies
Treatment for Eustrongylidosis is limited in the wading bird population due to the extensive amount of perforation in the stomach lining and limited funds available for treatment. In humans who are infected with Eustrongylidosis, surgery is required to remove the parasite from the intestinal wall. As surgery is not a feasible treatment option for wading fowl in the wild "en masse", treatment of the infected birds (a large portion of wild populations) has not been found, nor will likely be practical. There is the possibility that killing/removing the nematodes could do more harm to the host specimen than actual good.
Because of Eustrongylides species’ complex life cycle with various host species, preventing infection and controlling outbreaks is difficult. Outbreaks of this disease are closely linked to agricultural runoff and urban development Eutrophication of water bodies supports high population levels of oligochaete worms, which causes increased numbers of infected fish that eat the worms, and then the birds who eat the fish.
One way to prevent Eustrongylidosis is to control oligochaete populations. Outbreaks of this parasite are closely linked to high numbers of oligochaete worms in the area’s waterways. This is because the worms are essential for Eustrongylides species to reproduce. Oligochaete populations can be controlled by monitoring nutrient levels in the water, because high nutrient levels support oligochaete populations. They can also be controlled by decreasing the level of oxygen in the water. Encouraging responsible farming practices in order to reduce chemical run-off will help prevent this disease from occurring.
Managers need to be diligent in catching the symptoms of the parasite before it can become an outbreak. Once an outbreak of Eustrongylidosis has occurred, there is little that ecosystem managers can do to stop the spread in oligochaetes, fish and birds. Traditional anthelminthics (dewormers) are not effective in fish because they kill parasites that live inside the gastrointestinal tract, whereas Eustrongylides species live outside the stomach in the body cavity. The parasites can only be removed from fish surgically, which is not feasible. In order to completely stop the Eustrongylides life cycle in fish, all fish in an affected area must be culled.
Surgical removal of the parasite from wading birds is a viable option, but this would also not be feasible for a large number of birds, and it would not stop the cycle of infection.