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Deep Learning Technology: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. Learning Contextualized Document Representations for Healthcare Answer Retrieval. The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20)
Funded by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Grant: 01MD19013D, Smart-MD Project, Digital Technologies
Until more molecular and clinical studies are performed there will be no way to prevent the disease. Treatments are directed towards alleviating the symptoms. To treat the disease it is crucial to diagnose it properly. Orthopedic therapy and fracture management are necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms. Bisphosphonate drugs are also an effective treatment.
Treatment for MSS is symptomatic and supportive including physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special education. Cataracts must be removed when vision is impaired, generally in the first decade of life. Hormone replacement therapy is needed if hypogonadism is present.
There is no known curative treatment presently. Hearing aids and cataract surgery may be of use. Control of seizures, heart failure and treatment of infection is important. Tube feeding may be needed.
There is no cure available for Weaver syndrome. However, with multidisciplinary management such as neurological, pediatric, orthopedic, and psychomotor care and genetic counseling, symptoms can be managed. Surgery may be used to correct any skeletal issues. Physical and occupational therapy are considered an option to help with muscle tone. Also, speech therapy is often recommended for speech related problems.
Patients must have early consultation with craniofacial and orthopaedic surgeons, when craniofacial, clubfoot, or hand correction is indicated to improve function or aesthetics. Operative measures should be pursued cautiously, with avoidance of radical measures and careful consideration of the abnormal muscle physiology in Freeman–Sheldon syndrome. Unfortunately, many surgical procedures have suboptimal outcomes, secondary to the myopathy of the syndrome.
When operative measures are to be undertaken, they should be planned for as early in life as is feasible, in consideration of the tendency for fragile health. Early interventions hold the possibility to minimise developmental delays and negate the necessity of relearning basic functions.
Due to the abnormal muscle physiology in Freeman–Sheldon syndrome, therapeutic measures may have unfavourable outcomes. Difficult endotracheal intubations and vein access complicate operative decisions in many DA2A patients, and malignant hyperthermia (MH) may affect individuals with FSS, as well. Cruickshanks et al. (1999) reports uneventful use of non-MH-triggering agents. Reports have been published about spina bifida occulta in anaesthesia management and cervical kyphoscoliosis in intubations.
There are no treatment to return to its normal functions. However, there are treatments for the different symptoms.
For the Developmental symptoms, Educational intervention and speech therapy beginning in infancy could help to reduce the high risk for motor, cognitive, speech, and language delay
For theSkeletal features, referral to an orthopedist for consideration of surgical release of contractures. In addition,early referral to physical therapy could help increase joint mobility.
Lastly, Thyroid hormone replacement could help out the thyroid dysfunction
Patients and their parents must receive psychotherapy, which should include marriage counselling. Mitigation of lasting psychological problems, including depression secondary to chronic illness and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can be very successfully addressed with early interventions. This care may come from the family physician, or other attending physician, whoever is more appropriate; specialist care is generally not required. Lewis and Vitulano (2003) note several studies suggesting predisposal for psychopathology in paediatric patients with chronic illness. Esch (2002) advocates preventive psychiatry supports to facilitate balance of positive and negative stressors associated with chronic physical pathology. Patients with FSS should have pre-emptive and ongoing mixed cognitive therapy-psychodynamic psychotherapy for patients with FSS and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), if begun after onset of obvious pathology.
Adler (1995) cautioned the failure of modern medicine to implement the biopsychosocial model, which incorporates all aspects of a patient’s experience in a scientific approach into the clinical picture, often results in chronically-ill patients deferring to non-traditional and alternative forms of therapy, seeking to be understood as a whole, not a part, which may be problematic among patients with FSS.
Furthermore, neuropsychiatry, physiological, and imaging studies have shown PTSD and depression to be physical syndromes, in many respects, as they are psychiatric ones in demonstrating limbic system physiological and anatomy disturbances. Attendant PTSD hyperarousal symptoms, which additionally increase physiological stress, may play a part in leading to frequent MH-like hyperpyrexia and speculate on its influence on underlying myopathology of FSS in other ways. PTSD may also bring about developmental delays or developmental stagnation, especially in paediatric patients.
With psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy may need to be considered. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is advised against, in light of abnormal myophysiology, with predisposal to MH.
Treatment of 3-M syndrome is aimed at the specific symptoms presented in each individual. With the various symptoms of this disorder being properly managed and affected individuals having normal mental development, 3-M syndrome is not a life - threatening condition and individuals are able to lead a near normal life with normal life expectancy.
Treatment may involve the coordinated efforts of many healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians, orthopedists, dentists and/or other specialists depending on the symptoms.
- Possible management options for short stature are surgical bone lengthening or growth hormone therapy.
- Orthopedic techniques and surgery may be used to treat certain skeletal abnormalities.
- Plastic surgery may also be performed on individuals to help correct certain cranio-facial anomalies.
- Individuals with dental abnormalities may undergo corrective procedures such as braces or oral surgeries.
The deformities are managed surgically to preserve the function of the limb.
With appropriate treatment and management, patients with Weaver syndrome appear to do well, both physically and intellectually, throughout their life and have a normal lifespan. Their adult height is normal as well.
Overall prognosis for children with amyoplasia is good. Intensive therapies throughout developing years include physical therapy, occupational therapy and multiple orthopedic procedures. Most children require therapy for years, but almost 2/3 are eventually able to walk, with or without braces, and attend school.
Surgery may be necessary to address the congenital deformities frequently occurring in conjunction with arthrogryposis. Surgery on feet, knees, hips, elbows and wrists may also be useful if more range of motion is needed after therapy has achieved maximum results. In some cases, tendon transfers can improve function. Congenital deformities of the feet, hips and spine may require surgical correction at or about one year of age.
The treatment of arthrogryposis includes occupational therapy, physical therapy, splinting and surgery. The primary long-term goals of these treatments are increasing joint mobility, muscle strength and the development of adaptive use patterns that allow for walking and independence with activities of daily living. Since arthrogryposis includes many different types, the treatment varies between patients depending on the symptoms.
Only a few good articles exist in which a surgical technique that is used to treat arthrogryposis is described. These surgeries are explained below.
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency may be treated through pancreatic enzyme supplementation, while severe skeletal abnormalities may require surgical intervention. Neutropenia may be treated with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) to boost peripheral neutrophil counts. However, there is ongoing and unresolved concern that this drug could contribute to the development of leukemia. Signs of progressive marrow failure may warrant bone marrow transplantation (BMT). This has been used successfully to treat hematological aspects of disease. However, SDS patients have an elevated occurrence of BMT-related adverse events, including graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and toxicity relating to the pre-transplant conditioning regimen. In the long run, study of the gene that is mutated in SDS should improve understanding of the molecular basis of disease. This, in turn, may lead to novel therapeutic strategies, including gene therapy and other gene- or protein-based approaches.
Many of the congenital malformations found with Malpuech syndrome can be corrected surgically. These include cleft lip and palate, omphalocele, urogenital and craniofacial abnormalities, skeletal deformities such as a caudal appendage or scoliosis, and hernias of the umbillicus. The primary area of concern for these procedures applied to a neonate with congenital disorders including Malpuech syndrome regards the logistics of anesthesia. Methods like tracheal intubation for management of the airway during general anesthesia can be hampered by the even smaller, or maldeveloped mouth of the infant. For regional anesthesia, methods like spinal blocking are more difficult where scoliosis is present. In a 2010 report by Kiernan et al., a four-year-old girl with Malpuech syndrome was being prepared for an unrelated tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. While undergoing intubation, insertion of a laryngoscope, needed to identify the airway for the placement of the endotracheal tube, was made troublesome by the presence of micrognathia attributed to the syndrome. After replacement with a laryngoscope of adjusted size, intubation proceeded normally. Successful general anesthesia followed.
A rare follow-up of a male with Malpuech syndrome was presented by Priolo et al. (2007). Born at term from an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, the infant underwent a surgical repair of a cleft lip and palate. No problems were reported with the procedure. A heart abnormality, atrial septal defect, was also apparent but required no intervention. At age three years, mental retardation, hyperactivity and obsessive compulsive disorder were diagnosed; hearing impairment was diagnosed at age six, managed with the use of hearing aids. Over the course of the decade that followed, a number of psychiatric evaluations were performed. At age 14, he exhibited a fear of physical contact; at age 15, he experienced a severe psychotic episode, characterized by agitation and a loss of sociosexual inhibition. This array of symptoms were treated pharmocologically (with prescription medications). He maintained a low level of mental deficiency by age 17, with moments of compulsive echolalia.
People with AMC look their worst at birth. AMC is considered non-progressive, so with proper medical treatment, things can improve. The joint contractures that are present will not get worse than they are at the time of birth. There is no way to completely resolve or cure AMC. But with proper treatment, most children make significant improvements in their range of motion and ability to move their limbs which enables them to do activities of daily life, and live relatively normal lives. Therapeutic interventions that are cornerstone in the treatment of AMC include: stretching and range of motion exercises, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, splinting and serial casting. Surgical intervention may also improve joint mobility and function. Other positive prognostic factors for independent walking were active hips and knees, hip flexion contractures of less than 20 degrees and knee flexion contractures less than 15 degrees without severe scoliosis.
Treatment remains largely supportive. The behavioral disturbances of MPS-III respond poorly to medication. If an early diagnosis is made, bone marrow replacement may be beneficial. Although the missing enzyme can be manufactured and given intravenously, it cannot penetrate the blood–brain barrier and therefore cannot treat the neurological manifestations of the disease.
Along with many other lysosomal storage diseases, MPS-III exists as a model of a monogenetic disease involving the central nervous system.
Several promising therapies are in development. Gene therapy in particular is under Phase I/II clinical trial in France since October 2011 under the leadership of Paris-based biotechnology company Lysogene. Other potential therapies include chemical modification of deficient enzymes to allow them to penetrate the blood–brain barrier, stabilisation of abnormal but active enzyme to prevent its degradation, and implantation of stem cells strongly expressing the missing enzyme. For any future treatment to be successful, it must be administered as early as possible. Currently MPS-III is mainly diagnosed clinically, by which stage it is probably too late for any treatment to be very effective. Neonatal screening programs would provide the earliest possible diagnosis.
The flavonoid genistein decreases the pathological accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in Sanfilippo syndrome. "In vitro", animal studies and clinical experiments suggest that the symptoms of the disease may be alleviated by an adequate dose of genistein. Despite its reported beneficial properties, genistein also has toxic side effects.
Several support and research groups have been established to speed the development of new treatments for Sanfilippo syndrome.
Conservative treatment involves the long term use of laxatives and enemas, and has limited success. Dietary changes in order to control the disease are ineffective and high fiber diets often worsen the symptoms in children. As a last resort, surgical treatment (internal sphincter myectomy or colon resection) is used. In extreme cases, the only effective cure is a complete transplant of the affected parts.
Treatment of all categories of congenital clasped thumbs should start with either serial plaster casting or wearing a static or dynamic splint for a period of six months, while massaging the hand. Extension by splinting shows reduction of the flexion contracture. To gain optimal results, it is important to start this treatment before the age of six months. The result of this therapy is better in less severe deformities. In most uncomplicated cases, a satisfactory result can be gained when splint therapy starts before the age of six months. Splinting should be tried for at least three months and possibly for as long as six months or longer. If the result of splint therapy stagnates, surgery treatment is indicated.
Treatment of congenital clasped thumb includes two types of therapy: conservative and surgical.
Treatment is initially conservative, as some patients' calcifications will spontaneously be reabsorbed, and others will have minimal symptoms. In occasional cases, surgical debridement of the abnormal tissue is required, although success of such therapy is limited.
Treatment of myositis ossificans:
- Rest
- Reduction
- Immobilization
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Physiotherapy management
Radiation therapy subsequent to the injury or as a preventive measure of recurrence may be applied but its usefulness is inconclusive. If the surgery performed next step in accordance with literature postoperative single low-dose radiation with 3 weeks of oral indomethacin regimen will be preventive for recurrence.
Depending on the severity of the deformities, the treatment may include the amputation of the foot or part of the leg, lengthening of the femur, extension prosthesis, or custom shoe lifts. Amputation usually requires the use of prosthesis. Another alternative is a rotationplasty procedure, also known as Van Ness surgery. In this situation the foot and ankle are surgically removed, then attached to the femur. This creates a functional "knee joint". This allows the patient to be fit with a below knee prosthesis vs a traditional above knee prosthesis.
In less severe cases, the use of an Ilizarov apparatus can be successful in conjunction with hip and knee surgeries (depending on the status of the femoral head/kneecap) to extend the femur length to normal ranges. This method of treatment can be problematic in that the Ilizarov might need to be applied both during early childhood (to keep the femur from being extremely short at the onset of growth) and after puberty (to match leg lengths after growth has ended). The clear benefit of this approach, however, is that no prosthetics are needed and at the conclusion of surgical procedures the patient will not be biologically or anatomically different from a person born without PFFD.
The cost of treatment depends on the amount of growth hormone given, which in turn depends on the child's weight and age. One year's worth of drugs normally costs about US $20,000 for a small child and over $50,000 for a teenager. These drugs are normally taken for five or more years.
The hair, teeth, and skeletal side effects of TDO are lifelong, and treatment is used to manage those effects. A person with TDO has the same life expectancy as a person without TDO. There are no cures or medications used to treat systemic effects of TDO, but medications for the frequent ear and dental infections can be used to manage its symptoms. A team based approach between dental specialists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and physicians is necessary for treating the systemic effects and improves the prognosis. It is also recommended for affected individuals to seek counseling to be better able to cope with any psychosocial problems due to oral and facial abnormalities that occur with TDO.
At home, a person suffering from TDO may be instructed to use frequent deep conditioning treatments and low manipulation hair styling to control shedding and hair loss. Clinical treatment involves the use of radiology to determine the effects that TDO has had on the surrounding teeth and bone structures. A series of appointments with the healthcare team are usually necessary to correct TDO abnormalities with treatment duration lasting from several months to through full oral-facial maturation stages.
Endodontic procedures are routinely recommended due to treatdental pulp exposure or periodontal abscess. Maxillofacial surgery may be required to establish a more appropriate mastication, skeletal, and esthetic relationship vertically between the teeth to improve functioning. Esthetic procedures such as dental crown (dentistry) or veneer (dentistry) are often performed to improve the physical look of the teeth and to strengthen the weak enamel caused by TDO.