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Deep Learning Technology: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. Learning Contextualized Document Representations for Healthcare Answer Retrieval. The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20)
Funded by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Grant: 01MD19013D, Smart-MD Project, Digital Technologies
There is no treatment for MKD. But, the inflammation and the other effects can be reduced to a certain extent.
- IL-1 targeting drugs can be used to reduce the effects of the disorder. Anakinra is antagonist to IL-1 receptors. Anakinra binds the IL-1 receptor, preventing the actions of both IL-1α and IL-1β, and it has been proved to reduce the clinical and biochemical inflammation in MKD. It can effectively decreases the frequency as well as the severity of inflammatory attacks when used on a daily basis. Disadvantages with the usage of this drug are occurrence of painful injection site reaction and as the drug is discontinued in the near future the febrile attacks start. (Examined in a 12-year-old patient).
- Canakinumab is a long acting monoclonal antibody which is directed against IL-1β has shown to be effective in reducing both frequency and severity in patients suffering from mild and severe MKD in case reports and observational case series. It reduces the physiological effects but the biochemical parameter still remain elevated (Galeotti et al. demonstrated that it is more effective than anakinra –considered 6 patients suffering from MKD).
- Anti-TNF therapy might be effective in MKD, but the effect is mostly partial and therapy failure and clinical deterioration have been described frequently in patients on infliximab or etanercept. A beneficial effect of human monoclonal anti-TNFα antibody adalimumab was seen in a small number of MKD patients.
- Most MKD patients are benefited by anti-IL-1 therapy. However, anti-IL-1-resistant disease may also occur. Example. tocilizumab (a humanized monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor). This drug is used when the patients are unresponsive towards Anakinra. (Shendi et al. treated a young woman in whom anakinra was ineffective with tocilizumab). It was found that it was effective in reducing the biochemical and clinical inflammation [30].Stoffels et al. observed reduction of frequency and severity of the inflammatory attacks, although after several months of treatment one of these two patients persistently showed mild inflammatory symptoms in the absence of biochemical inflammatory markers.
- A beneficial effect of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be used in severe mevalonate kinase deficiency conditions (Improvement of cerebral myelinisation on MRI after allogenic stem cell transplantation was observed in one girl). But, liver transplantation did not influence febrile attacks in this patient.
Treatments for Glycerol Kinase Deficiency are targeted to treat the symptoms because there are no permanent treatments for this disease. The main way to treat these symptoms is by using corticosteroids, glucose infusion, or mineralocorticoids. Corticosteroids are steroid hormones that are naturally produced in the adrenal glands. These hormones regulate stress responses, carbohydrate metabolism, blood electrolyte levels, as well as other uses. The mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone control many electrolyte levels and allow the kidneys to retain sodium. Glucose infusion is coupled with insulin infusion to monitor blood glucose levels and keep them stable.
Due to the multitude of varying symptoms of this disease, there is no specific treatment that will cure this disease altogether. The symptoms can be treated with many different treatments and combinations of medicines to try to find the correct combination to offset the specific symptoms. Everyone with Glycerol Kinase Deficiency has varying degrees of symptoms and thereby requires different medicines to be used in combination to treat the symptoms; however, this disease is not curable and the symptoms can only be managed, not treated fully.
Other therapeutic interventions include:
- ethosuximide and other anticonvulsant drugs
- GHB receptor antagonist NCS-382
- GABA receptor modulators
- uridine
- acamprosate
- dopaminergic agents
- dextromethorphan
- glutamine
- antioxidants
- Lamotrigine
The GABA(B) receptor antagonist, SGS-742, is currently being tested as a potential therapeutic in an NIH phase II clinical trial (NCT02019667).
The GABA antagonist CGP-35348 (3-amino-propyl-(diethoxymethyl) phosphinic acid) has been used in Aldh5a1-/- mice with strong results. It has shown to reduce the frequency of absence seizures, though there have been some cases in which it worsened convulsive seizures.
The main treatments for CTLN1 include a low-protein, high-calorie diet with amino acid supplements, particularly arginine. The Ucyclyd protocol, using buphenyl and ammonul, is used for treatment as well. Hyperammonemia is treated with hemodialysis; intravenous arginine, sodium benzoate, and sodium phenylacetate. In some cases, liver transplantation may be a viable treatment. L-carnitine is used in some treatment protocols.
Canakinumab has been approved for treatment of HIDS and has shown to be effective. The immunosuppressant drugs etanercept and anakinra have also shown to be effective. Statin drugs might decrease the level of mevalonate and are presently being investigated. A recent single case report highlighted bisphosphonates as a potential therapeutic option.
The most common treatment for XLA is an intravenous infusion of immunoglobulin (IVIg, human IgG antibodies) every 3–4 weeks, for life. IVIg is a human product extracted and pooled from thousands of blood donations. IVIg does not cure XLA but increases the patient's lifespan and quality of life, by generating passive immunity, and boosting the immune system. With treatment, the number and severity of infections is reduced. With IVIg, XLA patients may live a relatively healthy life. A patient should attempt reaching a state where his IgG blood count exceeds 800 mg/kg. The dose is based on the patient's weight and IgG blood-count.
Muscle injections of immunoglobulin (IMIg) were common before IVIg was prevalent, but are less effective and much more painful; hence, IMIg is now uncommon.Subcutaneous treatment (SCIg) was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is recommended in cases of severe adverse reactions to the IVIg treatment.
Antibiotics are another common supplementary treatment. Local antibiotic treatment (drops, lotions) are preferred over systemic treatment (pills) for long-term treatment, if possible.One of the future prospects of XLA treatment is gene therapy, which could potentially cure XLA. Gene therapy technology is still in its infancy and may cause severe complications such as cancer and even death. Moreover, the long-term success and complications of this treatment are, as yet, unknown.
Currently, the most common form of treatment for SLOS involves dietary cholesterol supplementation. Anecdotal reports indicate that this has some benefits; it may result in increased growth, lower irritability, improved sociability, less self-injurious behaviour, less tactile defensiveness, fewer infections, more muscle tone, less photosensitivity and fewer autistic behaviours. Cholesterol supplementation begins at a dose of 40–50 mg/kg/day, increasing as needed. It is administered either through consuming foods high in cholesterol (eggs, cream, liver), or as purified food grade cholesterol. Younger children and infants may require tube feeding. However, dietary cholesterol does not reduce the levels of 7DHC, cannot cross the blood–brain barrier, and does not appear to improve developmental outcomes. One empirical study found that cholesterol supplementation did not improve developmental delay, regardless of the age at which it began. This is likely because most developmental delays stem from malformations of the brain, which dietary cholesterol cannot ameliorate due to its inability to cross the blood–brain barrier.
Once a diagnosis is made, the treatment is based on an individual’s clinical condition. Based on the apparent activation of the mTOR pathway, Lucas and colleagues treated patients with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor. This effectively reduced hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, most likely by restoring the normal balance of naïve, effector, and memory cells in the patients’ immune system. More research is needed to determine the most effective timing and dosage of this medication and to investigate other treatment options. Investigators at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health currently have clinical protocols to study new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have been examined as treatment for SLOS. Given that this catalyzes the rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis, inhibiting it would reduce the buildup of toxic metabolites such as 7DHC. Simvastatin is a known inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, and most importantly is able to cross the blood–brain barrier. It has been reported to decrease the levels of 7DHC, as well as increase the levels of cholesterol. The increased cholesterol levels are due to simvastatin's effect on the expression of different genes. Simvastatin increases the expression of "DHCR7", likely leading to increased activity of DHCR7. It has also been shown to increase the expression of other genes involved in cholesterol synthesis and uptake. However, these benefits are dependent on the amount of residual cholesterol synthesis. Because some individuals possess less severe mutations and demonstrate some amount of DCHR7 activity, these people benefit the most from simvastatin therapy as they still have a partially functioning enzyme. For individuals that show no residual DCHR7 activity, such as those homozygous for null alleles or mutations, simvastatin therapy may actually be toxic. This highlights the importance of identifying the specific genotype of the SLOS patient before administering treatment. It is still unknown if simvastatin will improve the behavioural or learning deficits in SLOS.
The management of Glycogen storage disease IX requires treatment of symptoms by frequent intake of complex carbohydrates and protein to combat the low blood sugar. A nutritionist will advise on suitable diets. Liver function is regularly monitored and problems managed as they arise. However, liver problems have only been successfully treated by a transplant. Routine checks of metabolism are needed to ensure blood sugar (glucose) and ketones are managed. Regular moderate exercise is beneficial, although over-vigorous exercise is to be avoided, especially in those with enlarged livers.
Currently, there is no specific treatment to correct the LCAT deficiency so therapy is focused on symptom relief. Corneal transplant may be considered for patients presenting with severely impaired vision caused by cholesterol corneal opacities. Dialysis may be required for patients presenting with renal failure, and kidney transplant may be considered.
There have been attempts to control the inflammation using drugs that work in other conditions where inflammation is a problem. The most successful of these are steroids, but they have side effects when used long term. Other medications, including methotrexate, colchicine and canakinumab, have been tried with some success. Otherwise, the treatment is supportive, or aimed solely at controlling symptoms and maximizing function.
In adults, fibrates and statins have been prescribed to treat hyperglycerolemia by lowering blood glycerol levels. Fibrates are a class of drugs that are known as amphipathic carboxylic acids that are often used in combination with Statins. Fibrates work by lowering blood triglyceride concentrations. When combined with statins, the combination will lower LDL cholesterol, lower blood triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol levels.
If hyperglycerolemia is found in a young child without any family history of this condition, then it may be difficult to know whether the young child has the symptomatic or benign form of the disorder. Common treatments include: a low-fat diet, IV glucose if necessary, monitor for insulin resistance and diabetes, evaluate for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, adrenal insufficiency & developmental delay.
The Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) does not list any treatments at this time.
Most affected individuals with pyruvate kinase deficiency do not require treatment. Those individuals who are more severely affected may die in utero of anemia or may require intensive treatment. With these severe cases of pyruvate kinase deficiency in red blood cells, treatment is the only option, there is no cure. However, treatment is usually effective in reducing the severity of the symptoms.
The most common treatment is blood transfusions, especially in infants and young children. This is done if the red blood cell count has fallen to a critical level. The transplantation of bone marrow has also been conducted as a treatment option.
There is a natural way the body tries to treat this disease. It increases the erythrocyte production (reticulocytosis) because reticulocytes are immature red blood cells that still contain mitochondria and so can produce ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. Therefore, a treatment option in extremely severe cases is to perform a splenectomy. This does not stop the destruction of erythrocytes but it does help increase the amount of reticulocytes in the body since most of the hemolysis occurs when the reticulocytes are trapped in the hypoxic environment of the spleen. This reduces severe anemia and the need for blood transfusions.
Supervised exercise programs have been shown in small studies to improve exercise capacity by several measures.
Oral sucrose treatment (for example a sports drink with 75 grams of sucrose in 660 ml.) taken 30 minutes prior to exercise has been shown to help improve exercise tolerance including a lower heart rate and lower perceived level of exertion compared with placebo.
In terms of the management of T cell deficiency for those individuals with this condition the following can be applied:
- Killed vaccines should be used(not "live vaccines" in T cell deficiency)
- Bone marrow transplant
- Immunoglobulin replacement
- Antiviral therapy
- Supplemental nutrition
There have been no major breakthroughs in the treatment of PKAN, with most pharmacologic treatments focusing on the easing or temporary relieving of PKAN’s symptoms. Iron chelating agents have been used somewhat successfully in retarding the disorder, but they have not been a significant success.
Current research focuses on the future use of high dose pantothenate, the PANK2 enzyme substrate, in possibly alleviating symptoms as well as the further development of iron chelating agents that may be better aimed at reaching the central nervous system and working to better remove excess iron from the individual’s system.
Complications may result from the medication used to treat symptoms. Immobility from the disease can also lead to skin breakdown, respiratory infections, and blood clots, among others.
Serology (detection on antibodies to a specific pathogen or antigen) is often used to diagnose viral diseases. Because XLA patients lack antibodies, these tests always give a negative result regardless of their real condition. This applies to standard HIV tests. Special blood tests (such as the western blot based test) are required for proper viral diagnosis in XLA patients.
It is not recommended and dangerous for XLA patients to receive live attenuated vaccines such as live polio, or the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR vaccine). Special emphasis is given to avoiding the oral live attenuated SABIN-type polio vaccine that has been reported to cause polio to XLA patients. Furthermore, it is not known if active vaccines in general have any beneficial effect on XLA patients as they lack normal ability to maintain immune memory.
XLA patients are specifically susceptible to viruses of the Enterovirus family, and mostly to: polio virus, coxsackie virus (hand, foot, and mouth disease) and Echoviruses. These may cause severe central nervous system conditions as chronic encephalitis, meningitis and death. An experimental anti-viral agent, pleconaril, is active against picornaviruses. XLA patients, however, are apparently immune to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), as they lack mature B cells (and so HLA co-receptors) needed for the viral infection. Patients with XLA are also more likely to have a history of septic arthritis.
It is not known if XLA patients are able to generate an allergic reaction, as they lack functional IgE antibodies.There is no special hazard for XLA patients in dealing with pets or outdoor activities. Unlike in other primary immunodeficiencies XLA patients are at no greater risk for developing autoimmune illnesses.
Agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is similar to the primary immunodeficiency disorder Hypogammaglobulinemia (CVID), and their clinical conditions and treatment are almost identical. However, while XLA is a congenital disorder, with known genetic causes, CVID may occur in adulthood and its causes are not yet understood.
XLA was also historically mistaken as Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), a much more severe immune deficiency ("Bubble boys").A strain of laboratory mouse, XID, is used to study XLA. These mice have a mutated version of the mouse Btk gene, and exhibit a similar, yet milder, immune deficiency as in XLA.
Diagnosis of canine phosphofructokinase deficiency is similar to the blood tests used in diagnosis of humans. Blood tests measuring the total erythrocyte PFK activity are used for definitive diagnosis in most cases. DNA testing for presence of the condition is also available.
Treatment mostly takes the form of supportive care. Owners are advised to keep their dogs out of stressful or exciting situations, avoid high temperature environments and strenuous exercise. It is also important for the owner to be alert for any signs of a hemolytic episode. Dogs carrying the mutated form of the gene should be removed from the breeding population, in order to reduce incidence of the condition.
Treatment for acquired noninflammatory myopathy is directed towards resolution of the underlying condition, pain management, and muscle rehabilitation.
Drug induced ANIMs can be reversed or improved by tapering off of the drugs and finding alternative care. Hyperthyroidism induced ANIM can be treated through anti-thyroid drugs, surgery and not eating foods high in Iodine such as kelp. Treatment of the hyperthyroidism results in complete recovery of the myopathy. ANIM caused by vitamin D deficiency can easily be resolved by taking vitamin supplements and increasing one's exposure to direct sunlight.
Pain can be managed through massaging affected areas and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Exercise, physical therapy, and occupational therapy can be used to rehabilitate affected muscle areas and resist the atrophy process.
As with all myopathies, the use of walkers, canes, and braces can assist with the mobility of the afflicted individual.
Overall, the prognosis for patients with NOMID is not good, though many (80%) live into adulthood, and a few appear to do relatively well. They are at risk for leukemia, infections, and some develop deposits of protein aggregated called amyloid, which can lead to kidney failure and other problems. The neurologic problems are most troubling. The finding that other diseases are related and a better understanding of where the disease comes from may lead to more effective treatments.
Infant mortality is high for patients diagnosed with early onset; mortality can occur within less than 2 months, while children diagnosed with late-onset syndrome seem to have higher rates of survival. Patients suffering from a complete lesion of mut0 have not only the poorest outcome of those suffering from methylaonyl-CoA mutase deficiency, but also of all individuals suffering from any form of methylmalonic acidemia.
For most horses, diet has a significant impact on the degree of clinical signs. PSSM horses fed diets high in nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), which stimulate insulin secretion, have been shown to have increased severity of rhabdomyolysis with exercise. Current recommendations for horses with PSSM include a low-starch, high-fat diet. Low-starch diets produce low blood glucose and insulin levels after eating, which may reduce the amount of glucose taken up by the muscle cells. High fat diets increase free fatty acid concentrations in the blood, which may promote the use of fat for energy (via free fatty acid oxidation) over glucose metabolism. Horses with the most severe clinical signs often show the greatest improvement on the diet.
Dietary recommendations usually include a combination of calorie restriction, reduction of daily NSC content, and an increase in dietary fat. Diet recommendations need to be balanced with the animal's body condition score and exercise level, as it may be beneficial to wait on increasing dietary fat after an obese animal has lost weight. The diet should have <10% of digestible energy coming from NSC, and 15-20% of daily digestible energy coming from fat.
A diagnosis can be made through a muscle biopsy that shows excess glycogen accumulation. Glycogen deposits in the muscle are a result of the interruption of normal glucose breakdown that regulates the breakdown of glycogen. Blood tests are conducted to measure the activity of phosphofructokinase, which would be lower in a patient with this condition. Patients also commonly display elevated levels of creatine kinase.
Treatment usually entails that the patient refrain from strenuous exercise to prevent muscle pain and cramping. Avoiding carbohydrates is also recommended.
A ketogenic diet also improved the symptoms of an infant with PFK deficiency. The logic behind this treatment is that the low-carb high fat diet forces the body to use fatty acids as a primary energy source instead of glucose. This bypasses the enzymatic defect in glycolysis, lessening the impact of the mutated PFKM enzymes. This has not been widely studied enough to prove if it is a viable treatment, but testing is continuing to explore this option.
Genetic testing to determine whether or not a person is a carrier of the mutated gene is also available.