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There is currently no cure for Costeff syndrome. Treatment is supportive, and thus focuses on management of the symptoms. The resulting visual impairment, spasticity, and movement disorders are treated in the same way as similar cases occurring in the general population.
Some patients do not require treatment to manage the symptoms of paramyotonia congenita. Avoidance of myotonia triggering events is also an effective method of mytonia prevention.
The long-term prognosis of Costeff syndrome is unknown, though it appears to have no effect on life expectancy at least up to the fourth decade of life. However, as mentioned previously, movement problems can often be severe enough to confine individuals to a wheelchair at an early age, and both visual acuity and spasticity tend to worsen over time.
There is no specific treatment to this disorder. However, several symptoms may be alleviated. For instance, anemia is treated by iron supplements. Some of the movement deficiencies may be corrected with orthopedic intervention. The corneal clouding can be, at least, temporarily corrected by corneal transplantation.
"See the equivalent section in the main mucolipidosis article.
Treatment: There is no treatment or way to reverse the disease. Treatment will focus on the symptoms an individual has, such as seizure medication.
- It is possible that if an individual receives a bone marrow transplant, they could receive healthy bone marrow cells which would produce normal amounts of fucosidase. But there not is enough research to prove this is an effective treatment.
Currently, purine replacement via S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) supplementation in people with Arts syndrome appears to improve their condition. This suggests that SAM supplementation can alleviate symptoms of PRPS1 deficient patients by replacing purine nucleotides and open new avenues of therapeutic intervention. Other non-clinical treatment options include educational programs tailored to their individual needs. Sensorineural hearing loss has been treated with cochlear implantation with good results. Ataxia and visual impairment from optic atrophy are treated in a routine manner. Routine immunizations against common childhood infections and annual influenza immunization can also help prevent any secondary infections from occurring.
Regular neuropsychological, audiologic, and ophthalmologic examinations are also recommended.
Carrier testing for at-risk relatives and prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk are possible if the disease-causing mutation in the family is known.
There is currently no cure, but some symptoms may be treated such as neuroleptics for the psychiatric problems.
Surgical removal of tumors is an option, however the risks involved should be assessed first. With regard to OPG (optic pathway gliomas), the preferred treatment is chemotherapy. However, radiotherapy isn't recommended in children who present with this disorder. It is recommended that children diagnosed with NF1 at an early age have an examination each year, which allows any potential growths or changes related to the disorder to be monitored.
There is no cure for the disorder itself. Instead, people with neurofibromatosis are followed by a team of specialists to manage symptoms or complications. In progress and recently concluded medical studies on NF-1 can be found by searching the official website of the National Institutes of Health.
There is no standard course of treatment for cerebellar hypoplasia. Treatment depends upon the underlying disorder and the severity of symptoms. Generally, treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Balance rehabilitation techniques may benefit those experiencing difficulty with balance. Treatment is based on the underlying disorder and the symptom severity. Therapies include physical, occuptational, speech/language, visual, psych/ behavioral meds, special education.
The prognosis is poor. Patients are usually wheelchair bound by their 20s and die by their 30s.
While there is no cure for HPS, treatment for chronic hemorrhages associated with the disorder includes therapy with vitamin E and the antidiuretic dDAVP.
There is no treatment for NBS, however in those with agammaglobulinemia, intravenous immunoglobulin may be started. Prophylactic antibiotics are considered to prevent urinary tract infections as those with NBS often have congenital kidney malformations. In the treat of malignancies radiation, alkylating antineoplastic agents, and epipodophyllotoxins are not used, and methotrexate can be used with caution and, the dose should be limited. Bone marrow transplants and hematopoietic stem cells transplants are also considered in the treatment of NBS. The supplementation of Vitamin E is also recommended. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt can be placed in patients with hydrocephaly, and surgical intervention of congenital deformities is also attempted.
It has been suggested that a possible method of treatment for histidinemia is through the adoption of a diet that is low in histidine intake. However, the requirement for such dietary restrictions is typically unnecessary for 99% of all cases of histidinemia.
Medical Care
- Treatment may be provided on an outpatient basis.
- Cataracts that do not regress or disappear with therapy may require hospitalization for surgical removal.
Surgical Care
- Cataracts may require surgical removal.
- Biochemical geneticist
- Nutritionist
- Ophthalmologist
- Diet is the foundation of therapy. Elimination of lactose and galactose sources suffices for definitive therapy.
- No restriction is necessary.
(Roth MD, Karl S. 2009)
Patients with PDE do not respond to anticonvulsant medications, but seizures rapidly cease with therapeutic intravenous doses of Vitamin B6 and remission from seizures are often maintained on daily therapeutic doses of Vitamin B6. An optimal dose has not yet been established, but doses of 50–100 mg/day or 15–30 mg/kg/day have been proposed. Importantly, excessive doses of vitamin B6 can result in irreversible neurological damage, and therefore several guidelines recommend 500 mg per day as the maximal daily dose.
Despite remission of seizure activity with vitamin B6 supplementation, intellectual disability is frequently seen in patients with PDE. Because the affected enzyme antiquitin is involved in the cerebral lysine degradation pathway, lysine restriction as an additional treatment modality has recently been explored. Studies have been published which demonstrate potential for improved biomarkers, development, and behavior in patients treated with lysine restriction in addition to pyridoxine supplementation. In trial, lysine restriction of 70–100 mg/kg/day in children less than 1 year of age, 45–80 mg/kg/day in children between 1–7 years of age, and 20–45 mg/kg/day in children older than 7 years of age were prescribed. Despite the potential of additional benefit from lysine restriction, vitamin B6 supplementation remains the main-stay of treatment given lack of studies thus far demonstrating the safety and efficacy of lysine restriction for this purpose.
There are no specific treatments for lipid storage disorders; however, there are some highly effective enzyme replacement therapies for people with type 1 Gaucher disease and some patients with type 3 Gaucher disease. There are other treatments such as the prescription of certain drugs like phenytoin and carbamazepine to treat pain for patients with Fabry disease. Furthermore, gene thereapies and bone marrow transplantation may prove to be effective for certain lipid storage disorders. Diet restrictions do not help prevent the buildup of lipids in the tissues.
There is no treatment for MKD. But, the inflammation and the other effects can be reduced to a certain extent.
- IL-1 targeting drugs can be used to reduce the effects of the disorder. Anakinra is antagonist to IL-1 receptors. Anakinra binds the IL-1 receptor, preventing the actions of both IL-1α and IL-1β, and it has been proved to reduce the clinical and biochemical inflammation in MKD. It can effectively decreases the frequency as well as the severity of inflammatory attacks when used on a daily basis. Disadvantages with the usage of this drug are occurrence of painful injection site reaction and as the drug is discontinued in the near future the febrile attacks start. (Examined in a 12-year-old patient).
- Canakinumab is a long acting monoclonal antibody which is directed against IL-1β has shown to be effective in reducing both frequency and severity in patients suffering from mild and severe MKD in case reports and observational case series. It reduces the physiological effects but the biochemical parameter still remain elevated (Galeotti et al. demonstrated that it is more effective than anakinra –considered 6 patients suffering from MKD).
- Anti-TNF therapy might be effective in MKD, but the effect is mostly partial and therapy failure and clinical deterioration have been described frequently in patients on infliximab or etanercept. A beneficial effect of human monoclonal anti-TNFα antibody adalimumab was seen in a small number of MKD patients.
- Most MKD patients are benefited by anti-IL-1 therapy. However, anti-IL-1-resistant disease may also occur. Example. tocilizumab (a humanized monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor). This drug is used when the patients are unresponsive towards Anakinra. (Shendi et al. treated a young woman in whom anakinra was ineffective with tocilizumab). It was found that it was effective in reducing the biochemical and clinical inflammation [30].Stoffels et al. observed reduction of frequency and severity of the inflammatory attacks, although after several months of treatment one of these two patients persistently showed mild inflammatory symptoms in the absence of biochemical inflammatory markers.
- A beneficial effect of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be used in severe mevalonate kinase deficiency conditions (Improvement of cerebral myelinisation on MRI after allogenic stem cell transplantation was observed in one girl). But, liver transplantation did not influence febrile attacks in this patient.
A preoperative pulmonology consultation is needed. The anesthesia team should
be aware that patients may have postoperative pulmonary complications as part
of the syndrome.
Preoperative hematology consultation is advisable prior to elective ocular
surgeries. Since patients with the syndrome have bleeding tendencies,
intraoperative, perioperative, and postoperative hemorrhages should be
prevented and treated. If platelet aggregation improves with desmopressin, it
may be administered in the preoperative period. However, sometimes
plasmapheresis is needed in the perioperative period.
Ophthalmologists should try to avoid retrobulbar blocks in patients with the
syndrome. Whenever possible, patients with HPS may benefit from general
endotracheal anesthesia. Phacoemulsification may help prevent intraoperative
and postoperative bleeding in patients with the syndrome. Prolonged bleeding
has been reported following strabismus surgery in patients with the syndrome.
Successful treatment of the associated underlying disorder, such as GORD or hiatus hernia, may provide relief.
In terms of treatment for short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, some individuals may not need treatment, while others might follow administration of:
- Riboflavin
- Dextrose
- Anticonvulsants
Metformin is the main drug used for treatment, as it is normally used for patients with hyperglycemia. Metformin reduces appetite and improves symptoms of hepatic steatosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Leptin can also be used to reverse insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis, to cause reduced food intake, and decrease blood glucose levels.
CGL patients have to maintain a strict diet for life, as their excess appetite will cause them to overeat. Carbohydrate intake should be restricted in these patients. To avoid chylomicronemia, CGL patients with hypertriglyceridemia need to have a diet very low in fat. CGL patients also need to avoid total proteins, trans fats, and eat high amounts of soluble fiber to avoid getting high levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid levels of pipecolic acid are frequently elevated in patients with PDE, though it is a non-specific biomarker. α-aminodipic semialdehyde is elevated in urine and plasma and is a more specific biomarker for PDE. Improvements in these biomarkers have been reported with the implementation of a lysine-restricted diet. Initial studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of lysine restriction evaluated developmental and cognitive outcomes by age-appropriate tests and parental observations.
Children with NF-1 can experience social problems, attention problems, social anxiety, depression, withdrawal, thought problems, somatic complaints, learning disabilities and aggressive behavior. Treatments include psychotherapy, antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy.