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Five medications are currently used to treat the cognitive problems of AD: four are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (tacrine, rivastigmine, galantamine and donepezil) and the other (memantine) is an NMDA receptor antagonist. The benefit from their use is small. No medication has been clearly shown to delay or halt the progression of the disease.
Reduction in the activity of the cholinergic neurons is a well-known feature of Alzheimer's disease. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are employed to reduce the rate at which acetylcholine (ACh) is broken down, thereby increasing the concentration of ACh in the brain and combating the loss of ACh caused by the death of cholinergic neurons. There is evidence for the efficacy of these medications in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, and some evidence for their use in the advanced stage. The use of these drugs in mild cognitive impairment has not shown any effect in a delay of the onset of AD. The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting, both of which are linked to cholinergic excess. These side effects arise in approximately 10–20% of users, are mild to moderate in severity, and can be managed by slowly adjusting medication doses. Less common secondary effects include muscle cramps, decreased heart rate (bradycardia), decreased appetite and weight, and increased gastric acid production.
Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter of the nervous system, although excessive amounts in the brain can lead to cell death through a process called excitotoxicity which consists of the overstimulation of glutamate receptors. Excitotoxicity occurs not only in Alzheimer's disease, but also in other neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Memantine is a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist first used as an anti-influenza agent. It acts on the glutamatergic system by blocking NMDA receptors and inhibiting their overstimulation by glutamate. Memantine has been shown to have a small benefit in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Reported adverse events with memantine are infrequent and mild, including hallucinations, confusion, dizziness, headache and fatigue. The combination of memantine and donepezil has been shown to be "of statistically significant but clinically marginal effectiveness".
Atypical antipsychotics are modestly useful in reducing aggression and psychosis in people with Alzheimer's disease, but their advantages are offset by serious adverse effects, such as stroke, movement difficulties or cognitive decline. When used in the long-term, they have been shown to associate with increased mortality. Stopping antipsychotic use in this group of people appears to be safe.
Huperzine A while promising, requires further evidence before its use can be recommended.
There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease; available treatments offer relatively small symptomatic benefit but remain palliative in nature. Current treatments can be divided into pharmaceutical, psychosocial and caregiving.
Binswanger's disease has no cure and has been shown to be the most severe impairment of all of the vascular dementias. The best way to manage the vascular risk factors that contribute to poor perfusion in the brain is to treat the cause, such as chronic hypertension or diabetes. It has been shown that current Alzheimer’s medication, donepezil (trade name Aricept), may help Binswanger’s Disease patients as well . Donepezil increases the acetylcholine in the brain through a choline esterase inhibitor which deactivates the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. Alzheimer as well as Binswanger patients have low levels of acetylcholine and this helps to restore the normal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. This drug may improve memory, awareness, and the ability to function. If no medical interception of the disease is performed then the disease will continue to worsen as the patient ages due to the continuing atrophy of the white matter from whatever was its original cause.
Idebenone, an antioxidant, was recently removed from the Canadian market in 2013 due to lack of effectiveness. A Cochrane review on antioxidants and other pharmacological treatment of patients with Friedreich ataxia concluded that there is limited but not persuasive evidence of efficacy.
Nicotinamide administration on patients was associated with a sustained improvement in frataxin concentrations towards those seen in asymptomatic carriers during 8 weeks of daily dosing. The daily oral administration of 3.8 g nicotinamide resulted in a 1.5-times increase, whereas 7.5 g resulted in a doubling of frataxin protein concentration.
there are no USFDA-approved medications for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment. Moreover, as of January 2018, there is no high-quality evidence that supports the efficacy of any pharmaceutical drugs or dietary supplements for improving cognitive symptoms in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. A moderate amount of high-quality evidence supports the efficacy of regular physical exercise for improving cognitive symptoms in individuals with MCI. The clinical trials that established the efficacy of exercise therapy for MCI involved twice weekly exercise over a period of six months. A small amount of high-quality evidence supports the efficacy of cognitive training for improving some measures of cognitive function in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Due to the heterogeneity among studies which assessed the effect of cognitive training in individuals with MCI, there are no particular cognitive training interventions that have been found to provide greater symptomatic benefits for MCI relative to other forms of cognitive training.
The American Academy of Neurology's (AAN) clinical practice guideline on mild cognitive impairment from January 2018 stated that clinicians "should" identify modifiable risk factors in individuals with MCI, assess functional impairments, provide treatment for any behavioral or neuropsychiatric symptoms, and monitor the individual's cognitive status over time. It also stated that medications which cause cognitive impairment "should" be discontinued or avoided if possible. Due to the lack of evidence supporting the efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in individuals with MCI, the AAN guideline stated that clinicians who choose to prescribe them for the treatment of MCI "must" inform patients about the lack of evidence supporting this therapy. The guideline also indicated that clinicians "should" recommend that individuals with MCI engage in regular physical exercise for cognitive symptomatic benefits; clinicians "may" also recommend cognitive training, which appears to provide some symptomatic benefit in certain cognitive measures.
As MCI may represent a prodromal state to clinical Alzheimer's disease, treatments proposed for Alzheimer's disease, such as antioxidants and cholinesterase inhibitors, could potentially be useful; however, there is no evidence to support the efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment. Two drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease have been assessed for their ability to treat MCI or prevent progression to full Alzheimer's disease. Rivastigmine failed to stop or slow progression to Alzheimer's disease or to improve cognitive function for individuals with mild cognitive impairment; donepezil showed only minor, short-term benefits and was associated with significant side effects.
In a two-year randomized trial of 168 people with MCI given either high-dose vitamins or placebo, vitamins cut the rate of brain shrinkage by up to half. The vitamins were the three B vitamins folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, which inhibit production of the amino acid homocysteine. High blood levels of homocysteine are associated with increased risk of cognitive decline, dementia, and cardiovascular disease. A single study from 2012 showed a possible connection between macronutrient intake and development of MCI. It is also suggested that a dietary pattern with relatively high caloric intake from carbohydrates and low caloric intake from fat and proteins may increase the risk of MCI or dementia in elderly persons
Experimental non-pharmacological treatments for MCI include transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation; the efficacy of these interventions for the treatment of MCI has not yet been established.
Succinic acid has been used successfully to treat MELAS syndrome, and also Leighs disease. Patients are managed according to what areas of the body are affected at a particular time. Enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins have been used.
Also the following supplements may help:
- CoQ10 has been helpful for some MELAS patients. Nicotinamide has been used because complex l accepts electrons from NADH and ultimately transfers electrons to CoQ10.
- Riboflavin has been reported to improve the function of a patient with complex l deficiency and the 3250T-C mutation.
- The administration of L-arginine during the acute and interictal periods may represent a potential new therapy for this syndrome to reduce brain damage due to impairment of vasodilation in intracerebral arteries due to nitric oxide depletion.
- There is also a case report where succinate was successfully used to treat uncontrolled convulsions in MELAS patients, although this treatment modality is yet to be thoroughly investigated or widely recommended.
Like many mitochondrial diseases, there is no cure for MERRF, no matter the means for diagnosis of the disease. The treatment is primarily symptomatic. High doses of Coenzyme Q10, B complex vitamins and L-Carnitine are the drugs that patients are treated with in order to account for the altered metabolic processed resulting in the disease. There is very little success with these treatments as therapies in hopes of improving mitochondrial function. The treatment only alleviates symptoms and these do not prevent the disease from progressing. Patients with concomitant disease, such as diabetes, deafness or cardiac disease, are treated in combination to manage symptoms.
The process of neurodegeneration is not well understood, so the diseases that stem from it have, as yet, no cures. In the search for effective treatments (as opposed to palliative care), investigators employ animal models of disease to test potential therapeutic agents. Model organisms provide an inexpensive and relatively quick means to perform two main functions: target identification and target validation. Together, these help show the value of any specific therapeutic strategies and drugs when attempting to ameliorate disease severity. An example is the drug Dimebon (Medivation). This drug is in phase III clinical trials for use in Alzheimer's disease, and also recently finished phase II clinical trials for use in Huntington's disease. In March 2010, the results of a clinical trial phase III were released; the investigational Alzheimer's disease drug Dimebon failed in the pivotal CONNECTION trial of patients with mild-to-moderate disease. With CONCERT, the remaining Pfizer and Medivation Phase III trial for Dimebon (latrepirdine) in Alzheimer's disease failed in 2012, effectively ending the development in this indication.
In another experiment using a rat model of Alzheimer's disease, it was demonstrated that systemic administration of hypothalamic proline-rich peptide (PRP)-1 offers neuroprotective effects and can prevent neurodegeneration in hippocampus amyloid-beta 25–35. This suggests that there could be therapeutic value to PRP-1.
Protein degradation offers therapeutic options both in preventing the synthesis and degradation of irregular proteins. There is also interest in upregulating autophagy to help clear protein aggregates implicated in neurodegeneration. Both of these options involve very complex pathways that we are only beginning to understand.
The goal of immunotherapy is to enhance aspects of the immune system. Both active and passive vaccinations have been proposed for Alzheimer's disease and other conditions, however more research must be done to prove safety and efficacy in humans.
Aside from discontinuation of glucocorticoid medication, potential treatments discussed in the research literature include:
- anti-glucocorticoids
- psychoactive drugs that up-regulate the GRII glucocorticoid receptor:
- tricyclic antidepressants: Desipramine, Imipramine, and Amitriptyline (SSRIs do not )
- serotonin antagonists: Ketanserin
- mood stabilizers: Lithium
- corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) antagonists
- glutamate antagonists
- dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
- small molecule brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) analogs
- stress reduction therapies and exercise.
Nucleoside bypass therapy is an experimental treatment aimed to restore the normal levels of deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs) in mitochondria.
One treatment methodogy that is very promising for the treatment of camptocormia is deep brain stimulation. Previously, deep brain stimulation and bilateral stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and/or globus pallidus internus have been used to treat patients with Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that similar treatments could be used on patients with severe camptocormia. By using the Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale before and after treatment, it was found that patients experienced significant functional improvement in the ability to walk.
Treatment for MSS is symptomatic and supportive including physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special education. Cataracts must be removed when vision is impaired, generally in the first decade of life. Hormone replacement therapy is needed if hypogonadism is present.
No specific treatment is known that would prevent, slow, or reverse HSP. Available therapies mainly consist of symptomatic medical management and promoting physical and emotional well-being. Therapeutics offered to HSP patients include:
- Baclofen – a voluntary muscle relaxant to relax muscles and reduce tone. This can be administered orally or intrathecally. (Studies in HSP )
- Tizanidine – to treat nocturnal or intermittent spasms (studies available )
- Diazepam and clonazepam – to decrease intensity of spasms
- Oxybutynin chloride – an involuntary muscle relaxant and spasmolytic agent, used to reduce spasticity of the bladder in patients with bladder control problems
- Tolterodine tartate – an involuntary muscle relaxant and spasmolytic agent, used to reduce spasticity of the bladder in patients with bladder control problems
- Botulinum toxin – to reduce muscle overactivity (existing studies for HSP patients)
- Antidepressants (such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors) – for patients experiencing clinical depression
- Physical therapy – to restore and maintain the ability to move; to reduce muscle tone; to maintain or improve range of motion and mobility; to increase strength and coordination; to prevent complications, such as frozen joints, contractures, or bedsores.
NARP syndrome is not curable. Symptomatic relief is targeted. Antioxidants play a role in improving the oxidative phosphorylation that is otherwise impaired.
The treatment of genetic disorders is an ongoing battle with over 1800 gene therapy clinical trials having been completed, are ongoing, or have been approved worldwide. Despite this, most treatment options revolve around treating the symptoms of the disorders in an attempt to improve patient quality of life.
Gene therapy refers to a form of treatment where a healthy gene is introduced to a patient. This should alleviate the defect caused by a faulty gene or slow the progression of disease. A major obstacle has been the delivery of genes to the appropriate cell, tissue, and organ affected by the disorder. How does one introduce a gene into the potentially trillions of cells which carry the defective copy? This question has been the roadblock between understanding the genetic disorder and correcting the genetic disorder.
Although research is ongoing, treatment options are currently limited; vitamins are frequently prescribed, though the evidence for their effectiveness is limited.
Pyruvate has been proposed in 2007 as a treatment option. N-acetyl cysteine reverses many models of mitochondrial dysfunction.. In the case of mood disorders, specifically bipolar disorder, it is hypothesized that N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), creatine monohydrate (CM), and melatonin could be potential treatment options.
Due to the wide range of causes of camptocormia, there is no one treatment that suits all patients. In addition, there is no specific pharmacological treatment for primary BSS. The use of analgesic drugs depends entirely on the intensity of the back pain. Muscular-origin BSS can be alleviated by positive lifestyle changes, including physical activity, walking with a cane, a nutritious diet, and weight loss. Worsening of symptoms is possible but rare in occurrence.
Treatment of the underlying cause of the disease can alleviate the condition in some individuals with secondary BSS. Other treatment options include drugs, injections of botulinum toxin, electroconvulsive therapy, deep brain stimulation, and surgical correction. Unfortunately, many of the elderly individuals affected by the BSS are not treated surgically due to age-related physical ailments and the long postoperative recovery period.
There are no treatments for MDDS, but some of the symptoms can be managed. For survivors living with MDDS, there are drugs to control epilepsy, and physical therapy can help with muscle control. Liver transplants may benefit people with liver involvement.
Succinic acid has been studied, and shown effective for both Leighs disease, and MELAS syndrome. If the mutation is in succinate dehydrogenase then there is a build up of succinate, in which case succinic acid won't work so the treatment is with fumaric acid to replace the fumarate than can not be made from succinate. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be followed if a gene on the X chromosome is implicated in an individual's Leigh syndrome. Thiamine (vitamin B) may be given if a deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase is known or suspected. The symptoms of lactic acidosis are treated by supplementing the diet with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or sodium citrate, but these substances do not treat the cause of Leigh syndrome. Dichloroacetate may also be effective in treating Leigh syndrome-associated lactic acidosis; research is ongoing on this substance. Coenzyme Q10 supplements have been seen to improve symptoms in some cases.
Clinical trials of the drug EPI-743 for Leigh disease are ongoing.
In 2016, John Zhang and his team at New Hope Fertility Center in New York, USA, performed a spindle transfer mitochondrial donation technique on a mother in Mexico who was at risk of producing a baby with Leigh disease. A healthy boy was born on 6 April 2016. However, it is not yet certain if the technique is completely reliable and safe.
Although no cure currently exists, there is hope in treatment for this class of hereditary diseases with the use of an embryonic mitochondrial transplant.
Treatment varies according to the type and severity of the encephalopathy. Anticonvulsants may be prescribed to reduce or halt any seizures. Changes to diet and nutritional supplements may help some patients. In severe cases, dialysis or organ replacement surgery may be needed.
Sympathomimetic drugs can increase motivation, cognition, motor performance and alertness in patients with encephalopathy caused by brain injury, chronic infections, strokes, brain tumors.
Spindle transfer, where the nuclear DNA is transferred to another healthy egg cell leaving the defective mitochondrial DNA behind, is a potential treatment procedure that has been successfully carried out on monkeys. Using a similar pronuclear transfer technique, researchers at Newcastle University led by Douglass Turnbull successfully transplanted healthy DNA in human eggs from women with mitochondrial disease into the eggs of women donors who were unaffected. In such cases, ethical questions have been raised regarding biological motherhood, since the child receives genes and gene regulatory molecules from two different women. Using genetic engineering in attempts to produce babies free of mitochondrial disease is controversial in some circles and raises important ethical issues. A male baby was born in Mexico in 2016 from a mother with Leigh syndrome using spindle transfer.
In September 2012 a public consultation was launched in the UK to explore the ethical issues involved. Human genetic engineering was used on a small scale to allow infertile women with genetic defects in their mitochondria to have children.
In June 2013, the United Kingdom government agreed to develop legislation that would legalize the 'three-person IVF' procedure as a treatment to fix or eliminate mitochondrial diseases that are passed on from mother to child. The procedure could be offered from 29 October 2015 once regulations had been established.
Embryonic mitochondrial transplant and protofection have been proposed as a possible treatment for inherited mitochondrial disease, and allotopic expression of mitochondrial proteins as a radical treatment for mtDNA mutation load.
Currently, human clinical trials are underway at GenSight Biologics ( # NCT02064569) and the University of Miami ( # NCT02161380) to examine the safety and efficacy of mitochondrial gene therapy in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy.
Currently there is no curative treatment for KSS. Because it is a rare condition, there are only case reports of treatments with very little data to support their effectiveness. Several promising discoveries have been reported which may support the discovery of new treatments with further research. Satellite cells are responsible for muscle fiber regeneration. It has been noted that mutant mtDNA is rare or undetectable in satellite cells cultured from patients with KSS. Shoubridge et al. (1997) asked the question whether wildtype mtDNA could be restored to muscle tissue by encouraging muscle regeneration. In the forementioned study, regenerating muscle fibers were sampled at the original biopsy site, and it was found that they were essentially homoplasmic for wildtype mtDNA. Perhaps with future techniques of promoting muscle cell regeneration and satellite cell proliferation, functional status in KSS patients could be greatly improved.
One study described a patient with KSS who had reduced serum levels of coenzyme Q10. Administration of 60–120 mg of Coenzyme Q10 for 3 months resulted in normalization of lactate and pyruvate levels, improvement of previously diagnosed first degree AV block, and improvement of ocular movements.
A screening ECG is recommended in all patients presenting with CPEO. In KSS, implantation of pacemaker is advised following the development of significant conduction disease, even in asymptomatic patients.
Screening for endocrinologic disorders should be performed, including measuring serum glucose levels, thyroid function tests, calcium and magnesium levels, and serum electrolyte levels. Hyperaldosteronism is seen in 3% of KSS patients.
Treatment is dependent upon diagnosis and the stage at which the diagnosis is secured. For toxic and nutritional optic neuropathies, the most important course is to remove the offending agent if possible and to replace the missing nutritional elements, orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously. If treatment is delayed, the injury may be irreversible. The course of treatment varies with the congenital forms of these neuropathies. There are some drug treatments that have shown modest success, such as Idebenone used to treat LOHN. Often treatment is relegated to lifestyle alterations and accommodations and supportive measures.