Dataset: 9.3K articles from Wikipedia (CC BY-SA).
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Made by DATEXIS (Data Science and Text-based Information Systems) at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Deep Learning Technology: Sebastian Arnold, Betty van Aken, Paul Grundmann, Felix A. Gers and Alexander Löser. Learning Contextualized Document Representations for Healthcare Answer Retrieval. The Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20)

Funded by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Grant: 01MD19013D, Smart-MD Project, Digital Technologies

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Highlight for Query ‹Canine infectious tracheobronchitis symptoms



Macroorchidism is a disorder found in males where a subject has abnormally large testes. The condition is commonly inherited in connection with fragile X syndrome, which is also the second most common genetic cause of mental disabilities. The opposite side of the spectrum is called microorchidism, which is the condition of abnormally small testes.

Other possible causes of macroorchidism are long-standing primary hypothyroidism, adrenal remnants in congenital adrenal hyperplasia, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-secreting pituitary macroadenomas, local tumors, lymphomas, and aromatase deficiency.