Bulbar palsy refers to a range of different signs and symptoms linked to impairment of function of the cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII, which occurs due to a lower motor neuron lesion in the medulla oblongata or from lesions of the lower cranial nerves outside the brainstem.
Signs and symptoms | Signs
In addition, there may be lower motor neuron lesions of the limbs.
The ocular muscles are spared and this differentiates it from myasthenia gravis.
Diagnosis | Differential diagnosis
In contrast, pseudobulbar palsy is a clinical syndrome similar to bulbar palsy but in which the damage is located in upper motor neurons of the corticobulbar tracts in the mid-pons (i.e., in the cranial nerves IX-XII), that is the nerve cells coming down from the cerebral cortex innervating the motor nuclei in the medulla. This is usually caused by stroke.