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Babinski–Nageotte syndrome


Babinski–Nageotte syndrome, sometimes called Babinski syndrome or hemimedullary syndrome, is an alternating brainstem syndrome. It occurs when there is damage to the dorsolateral or posterior lateral medulla oblongata, likely syphilitic in origin. Hence it is also called the alternating medulla oblongata syndrome.

The rare disorder is caused by damage to a part of the brain (medullobulbar transitional area) which causes a variety of neurological symptoms, some of which affect only one side of the body. Symptoms include ipsilateral (same side) cerebellar ataxia, sensory deficits of the face, and Horner's syndrome, along with weakness and loss of sensation on the contralateral (opposite side) of the body.

It was first described in 1902 and later named after the neurologists who initially investigated it, Joseph Babinski and Jean Nageotte.