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Highlight for Query ‹Contagious equine metritis medication

Sopor (sleep)


Sopor is a condition of abnormally deep sleep or a stupor from which it is difficult to rouse. It involves a profound depression of consciousness, which is manifested by drowsiness, while maintaining coordinated defensive reactions to stimuli such as pain, harsh sound, and bright light, and preserving vital functions. Sopor may be caused by a drug; such drugs are deemed soporific. A stupor is worse than a sopor.

The name is derived from Latin "" (cognate with the Latin noun "somnus" and the Greek noun ὐπνος, "hypnos").


Soporous states can be observed in the presence of traumatic, vascular, inflammatory, neoplastic, and toxic lesions of the brain.


The patient does not respond to the environment, perform any tasks, or respond to questions.

The ability to swallow is maintained.


Examination reveals decreased muscle tone of the extremities and depression of tendon reflexes. Pupillary reaction to light may be sluggish, but the corneal reflexes are preserved. Depending on the nature and extent of brain damage, symptoms of pyramidal impairment may be present (e.g. paresis, Babinski sign).


When the soporous condition is stipulated by the cerebral circulation or a concussion and other neurological diseases, the patient should be put to bed. Administer a dehydrating agent (20 ml 40% glucose solution intravenously, 10 ml of 2.4% aminophylline solution with 10 ml 40% glucose solution by slow intravenous injection or 1-2ml 12% solution of aminophylline intramuscularly, 10 ml of 25% solution of magnesium sulfate intramuscularly, 50 mg hypothiazide inside) and vasodilators (1-2 ml of 2% papaverine solution subcutaneously, 1 ml of 1% solution of nicotinic acid intravenously).