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Swyer–James syndrome


Swyer–James syndrome (SJS, also called Swyer–James–Macleod's syndrome) is a rare lung disorder found by English chest physician William Mathiseon Macleod, and (simultaneously) by physician Paul Robert Swyer and radiologist George James in the 1950s in Canada.

Swyer–James syndrome is a manifestation of postinfectious obliterative bronchiolitis. In SJS, the involved lung or portion of the lung does not grow normally and is slightly smaller than the opposite lung. The characteristic radiographic appearance is that of pulmonary hyperlucency, caused by overdistention of the alveoli in conjunction with diminished arterial flow. and has been linked to adenovirus type 21.

In appearance Swyer–James normally leaves shadowing in a CT scan in the upper lobar regions of one or (rarely) both lungs. Patients with the illness operate in much the same way as patients with mild bronchiectasis. As a result, the illness can go undiagnosed for some time. With current pharmaceutical developments, the prognosis is good for sufferers of the illness to lead normal and healthy lives.